Friday, February 20, 2015

Fumbling at Finding things with Selenium

Finding things with Selenium

At it's root this is easy enough.  Just call findElement() on the driver and give it some matching - we've been using css selector - and viola.  Then I wanted it to be visible - so just call .isDisplayed() on the element, but I kept getting false.

I should note that I was adding this to some functional tests being run against our hybrid mobile application.  So I could track down the css styles viewing it in a browser I'm not sure how to map the Selenium element I'm getting in our tests to the same thing.  (Any pointers would be appreciated. :))  This left me fumbling around wondering why I wasn't matching what I was seeing in the browser.

Then I thought to search for the css selector I was matching on and realized there were two of them on the page and that I need to add another part to the selector.  Not one of my proudest moments - I'd like to blame that I'm not always/often working with css and it takes a bit for my brain to get into debugging when it doesn't work off the bat.


So I had hoped to dig more into vagrant...and I sort of did.  I touched base with our systems team since they use puppet and I was hoping to make use of what they did to quicken things up.  Turns out they use vagrant to test out their puppet scripts, but they don't have access that they'd like to share...yet.  I'm hoping to keep poking at that and get an appropriate access created!

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